miércoles, 27 de abril de 2022


Hi, today a will talk about my dream job


If a had to choose one job that I would really like to have, it would be as a child neuropsychologist, this is a branch of psychology, career that I studied and later on I had to specialise in the area of neuropsychology 

  This is a job that can focus on both research and clinical areas, and in some cases it also focuses on children´s learning problems. To a work in this area you must have knowledge of neurophysiology, psychopathology, behavior, developmental psychology, among others.

As for the salary, I would ideally like it to be moderate so I can live quietly and indulge myself from time to time. I would also like it to stable so that I can  save and be able to travel, as it is one of my favorites activities.

One the other hand , if I were to go to the more Utopian idea of  work, I would love to dedicate myself to composition, since writing and music are my favorites things. it is a career in which musical knowledge is extremely important, as well as the market if you want dedicate yourself  to something more commercial, it is usually complemented whit the area of production, as composers don´t usually ear a lot of money.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2022


1-. Easted Island:  Rapa nui is a beautiful island, with a lot of history and nice landscapes, i would love to visit it. as it is close to Chile, as well to trying the gastronomy and getting to know the culture. Between the end of January and beginning of February they celebrate Tapati festival, where the history and traditions of the island are celebrates through dance and food.

2-. Iguazú falls:  I would love to visit it, because of the beautiful landscapes, its the views, mystic and majestic aura. I would also love to visit the surrounding area, which is open to the public, to see the flora and fauna of the place, specially the birds. An added factor is the beautiful pictures can be taken in the place.

3-. Antarctica: Although it is a cold place, i would like to visit it because you can learn a lot about the climate, and the fauna of the place. there is nothing better than knowing an animal in its natural habitat. 

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2022


 The best vacation I've had was this summer with my family, we left from La Serena to Chiloe, it was a long trip, since we decided to do it by car, so we could move more easily and at the same time visit more cities when we returned, in total were 8 days.

Together with my parents and my sister, we toured the big island of Chiloe, where we visited some reserves and waterfalls, we toured the island of the navigating souls at night on a tour to learn about the mysteries of the town, when we returned we visited Puerto Varas, Frutillar, where we could not leave without a kuchen, Valdivia, Puerto Fuy, where we toured the reserves of huilo-huilo, Pucon and Caburga.


When we returned to La serena as we do every summer we visited Punta de choros and Chañaral de aceituno, to sail with bathing whales and dolphins, only with the variation that this summer we will dive in the Humboldt penguin reserve.

It was a great vacation because I was able to know new places and live new experiences, besides touring with my family places that I had already known on my own, the south is one of my favorite places to travel to, for the great views and the weather.

Winter holidays plans

 The truth is that due to recent stoppage and the subsequent rescheduling, I will not to be able to spend my holidays with my family, so I d...